New installation of Creative Growth artist Terri Bowden now showing and for sale at the 6397 store – 199 Mulberry Street, NYC

Terri began experimenting with digital art in 2017, on an iPad in Creative Growth’s Digital Media Lab. Using images of staff members, celebrities, religious figures, our nation’s founding fathers, and any other character that strikes her fancy, she digitally alters the images to give them “makeovers” with bright, bold hair and makeup. There is a clear progression from Terri’s earlier drawings to her digital work that demonstrates a very sophisticated artist’s evolution. Bowden’s work is now part of the permanent collection at the Mad Musée in Belgium.

Terri often draws albino animals and people, having befriended other albinos who like herself, are legally blind. Whether it’s reimagining Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant, pop music icon Michael Jackson, or a winking punk rocker, Terri’s ability to capture the nuances of human expression extends far beyond the photos she uses for reference.