6397 first introduced you to Becky Hudson in one of our “stories” back in 2018. Becky is special — her unique touch has a way of making everything beautiful — her home, her cooking, her personal style, and most importantly the relationships she creates with people. Becky makes magic.
She came to New York from Napa, CA in 2002. Arriving here one year after September 11th when our city was still going through the pain, shock, and sadness of that horrific day. During the 18 years she spent living downtown Becky and I became friends and had so many fun times together.
Last week, with our 6397 team, I visited Becky’s amazing Soho loft for the last time. She is moving west, north of San Francisco to Marin County. Chris Shonting shot Becky in the midst of packing for her big move, boxing-up her Manhattan years into cartons of all sizes.
Becky is wrapping up and moving on - that’s what came to my mind.
I will miss her so much, and so will New York. Thank you Becky, for all the good times, great laughs and meals we shared with each other.